One of the great things about making websites for online income is that you don’t have to spend much money initially to get things up and running. In theory you could spend nothing providing you have access to the Internet!
So assuming you have access to the Internet and a PC or Laptop you can have a site up and running in minutes. There are two ways of doing this.
1. Using blogger or similar service
Simply go to" and sign up for a new blog and you are away!
Once you have your blog up and running then apply for the Google Adsense program and look for affiliate programs to promote.
2. Creating a traditional website with a domain name
This is the better option in my opinion but will involve a small outlay of money.
– You need to buy a domain name and the pay for hosting. This can be done very cheaply these days and there is a plethora of budget domain name and budget hosting options.
– You will need some sort of web page editing software to create web pages and perhaps an image editor.
– You will need some FTP software to upload your site.
So lets see how cheap we can make this.
Domain name and hosting
With we can register a .com domain name for free with 6 months hosting for a total of $23.94 (1&1 Beginner Package).
Web page and image software
A great free image editor is the open source" Cost $0.00
For making web pages a free authoring software that competes with Dreamweaver / Frontpage (not free) is;a" Cost $0.00
FTP software (to upload your web pages)"
FTP commander is a simple FTP program that can also be downloaded onto a memory stick / flash drive. The Demo version is free and has no restrictions.
Cost $0.00
So the total cost for getting a web site online works out at less than USD $1 a week.
Now all you have to do is invest your time!